Well, this is the first blog I've ever created. I guess I should inform you about me. I'm just an average 24-year old with two undergraduate degrees living in Western North Carolina. Some things I love are politics, traveling, weather patterns, italian food, and college basketball. I'm trying to figure out what life has in store for me; however, like most people my age, I am living in this fear of failing at life. I recently read a book entitled Quarterlife Crisis (I highly recommend it). It mainly talks about the struggles of this generation and our lack of ability to cope with our problems because we are in a constant realm of "nobody has gone through what I have and no one can help me". Yes, nobody has walked the path that I have lived throughout my life but that does not mean there are people willing to assist if needed. I think the majority of my generation's problem is that we are too prideful and want to do better than our peers. This makes sense since society drills into our mind that in order to be the best, you have to do excel better than your peers in order to advance in a career, and, in life.
I wish many of my peers would just live their lives regardless and let it bring the best out of them instead of fearing the unknown. I know I've been fearful of the unknown but in all seriousness...not knowing is sometimes a good thing. After all, that is how one learns the true potential of oneself. I plan to live by this from this day forward. Live life to its fullest and never regret anything because there is always something knew we can learn about ourselfs...and what we are capable of accomplishing.